Cover layout for AMBUCS 2017 summer magazine, generated using Adobe InDesign. Following are more samples from the magazine, including two-page spreads.
Spread sample 1: featuring typography and balanced text and visual elements.
Spread sample 2
Sample 3: Conference calendar designed utilizing negative space to create a modern, easy to read graphic.
Spread sample 4
Sample 5
Front cover of magazine 2015. Featuring a cut-out of an art submission.
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Page layout sample
Sample of layout, typography, and piece pairing.
2016 table of contents two-page spread
2016 paired poetry and art submission to create a more dynamic page design
2016 two page spread, paired poetry, art, and prose, utilizing negative space to balance text-heavy submissions.
Magazine Design

Samples from my 2017 layout design for National AMBUCS' summer magazine. In its entirety, the magazine was over 30 pages, of which I was the sole designer. I focused on branding while implementing fresh, modern designs through typography and negative space.

Also featured in this section are samples of my work as Layout Editor of The Greenleaf Review in 2015 and 2016. I designed and created a 52 page literary magazine using Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop, which included deciding on font, front cover design, and piece pairings. I organized layout meetings to introduce and involve members of the staff to design processes. Communicated with printer to ensure optimal production of the magazine, which included discussions of color, printing material choice, and document dimensions. Paired art, poetry, and prose pieces to create a visually and thematically cohesive magazine.

2015 Winner of Best of Show from North Carolina College Media Association

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Karlen Lambert
Graphic Designer Lincoln, United Kingdom