Hindi - Prosaide appliances, sculpted carefully and then molded, this is the full costume together. Thank you to Ms. Link who sat patiently while i applied and painted her feet

Hindi - A closeup on the foot work, the appliance was intrinsically painted but outer work was added with a similar paint color applied by hand.

Marionette - One of my first make-ups, featuring painted face, all the hair viewed is fake, applied and wound around itself, cotton and latex rings for the strings

Forest Friend - Painted face and arm make-up, attached horns with real and fake hair wound around it. I adore the high fashion appeal of her mysterious yet shy nature. Special thanks to Ms. Heath for allowing me to dress her up on a freezing cold day

A Look into Faery - Make-up appliance, ears and hand made costume

A Look into Faery - Make-up appliance, ears and hand made costume, special thanks to Terra Hyland, actor, and Frances Koch who helped construct the pants

A Look into Faery - A closeup at the facial appliance

Fae: Lit - A multi-piece prosthetic worn by Terra Hyland, Sculpture, application and costume designed and created by Karina Koch. This is the Fae creature lit better to see both the paint job and the costume better

Fae Costume: Front - Costume designed and created by Karina Koch, with the aid of Frances Koch on the tulle layered pants. Featuring six layers of tool on the pants, a patchwork fronted vest, a gray sleeved undershirt and a long twined scarf.

Fae Costume: Back - Costume designed and created by Karina Koch, with the aid of Frances Koch on the tulle layered pants. Featuring six layers of tool on the pants, a patchwork fronted vest, a gray sleeved undershirt and a long twined scarf.

Sculpted Ears - Ears sculpted on top of a casted plaster ear; these were for a multi-piece prosthetic of a Fae creature

Fae sculpt: Face - Sculpted face prosthetic for Fae creature on a plaster face casting of Terra Hyland