Mock up Billboard imposed into billboard (Photoshop)
Mock up Billboard for the Office of Community Engagement of Syracuse, created using Photoshop and InDesign
We are Syracuse (Billboard Campaign)

Won the Connective Corridor Call for Proposals Contest: Will be showcased outside the Nancy Cantor Warehouse Building in Syracuse, New York.

Our Assignment: To design a billboard that combines public art with community engagement.
Our proposal:
The Billboard Itself: Each month there will be a word that describes Syracuse and will showcase various individuals from the community and what their connection
is to the word.The letters will be imposed onto a image and showcase various aspects of Syracuse that are of meaning to them such as places and art work.Thus we are telling a narrative of what these people do, and there connection to the city. In order for the public to get to know these
individuals we are creating a blog to share their personal stories and behind the scenes images of the interviews and photo shoots.

This was a collaborative project with fellow designer Tiffany Soohoo

Karina Campos
Industrial Designer Syracuse, NY