Blue Moon Works Website - Site design and branding
Blue Moon Works Website - Site design and branding
Blue Moon Works Website - Site design and branding
Website Design - Homepage - Design, art direction and copy writing for a proposed subscription service for a social networking website.
Website Proposal Design - Homepage 2 - Design, art direction and copy writing for a proposed subscription service for a social networking website.
Website Proposal Design - InDepth Page - Design, art direction and copy writing for a proposed subscription service for a social networking website.
Website Proposal Design - Form Page - Design, art direction and copy writing for a proposed subscription service for a social networking website.
Website Proposal Design - Form Confirmation - Design, art direction and copy writing for a proposed subscription service for a social networking website.
Edit New York - Website design including Designer Boutique pages, content pages and site navigation.
Edit New York - Website design including Designer Boutique pages, content pages and site navigation.
Edit New York - Website design including Designer Boutique pages, content pages and site navigation.
Edit New York - Website design including Designer Boutique pages, content pages and site navigation.
Web Design
Karen Spinney McAnanama
Design Director/Front End-Developer New York, NY