01. The mountains were the first to support us / But the fog was against us and blinded them.
02.The mountains in the eyes of a dog / Were crystal clear.
03. The sky called heavy clouds and storm to stop us.
04. Sometimes they managed to slow us down...
05. Sometimes we resisted, we fought back and we built.

01. We raised monuments of white silk
02. And we lit them at night
03. Piercing the sky.
04. And at the end we celebrated / With music around a fire.

01. Everything was fine until one morning, / When our sheep / Head to mountains and mist.
02. We jumped to stop them.
03. And when everything seemed in vain / Somewhere at the horizon...
04. Arose like a solar motive, / A good shepherd, a helper.
05. He cut the sheep's path.
06. And with a powerful bark scared them. / The sheep were agitated and scattered.
07. Only four sheep remained / And in the ground they stayed. / The shepherd did not linger / And after the rest of them he went.

Come to CUCA Festival and help us find our missing sheep!
