initial concept - The storage offer not just safe storing for grains, but also on transporting. The user is able to use the storage as a platform to sell their grains to customers. This project is focusing on farmers in rural areas growing small scale grain farming for survival.
parts development - details for the storage
initial concept render
details development - development for the securing of the storage containers
detail development - further development for the securing
details development - development for the stopping device
details exploration
concept refinement
concept refinement - A comparison is done to compare the differences between the previous and new concept. Improvements is than made for the newer concept
final concept refinement - Detailing for the final concept
parts development - The proposed storage concept is meant for small scale rural farmers to use the storage as a platform to sell their grain harvest for money. A personal storage space is designed to allow the farmer to carry the tools of trade that are required for the selling of the grains.
situation description - A scenerio description to describe the potential solutions that is proposed for the farmer
situation description - further exploration for the scenerio targetted for the farmer during the trade
parts refinement - After exploration of the scenerio, developments need to be improved on the proposed parts. This show the initial development which facilitates the usage
further detail development - An exploration of possible ideas for the development of the detail
final refinement - Final proposal for the detail
detail development - An exploration of ideas for the development of the handle