competition project for La Vache qui Rit anniversary

Project was created for 90th anniversary competition of La Vache qui Rit (The Laughing Cow) in 2011. This was my explanation of the design:
I'm presenting three color versions of one design, because I think they have equal influence, which will be let out, when they put on different basic, which depends of use. The idea was inspired from a pop art image of Merilyn Monroe, so this gave me the idea for the star of actor. Of course all keywords of competition (playful, cheeky, pop, contemporary) perfectly fits in my design, and best explanation of the idea is exactly: " The laughing cow is your best actor, and like one she always playing with you. I think 90 years of acting are enough to give her the deserved star of fame."

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Krasimir Savchev
PhD Engeneer-Designer Sofia, Bulgaria