Heavily involved with the day to day management of the rebranding process at all touch points: ATM screens, digital displays, ATM wraps, credit/debit cards, print ads, TV commercials, radio ads, online banners, website slides etc.
ATM Screen
Webpage slide
Credit and Debit cards-- Worked closely with creative team and vendors to execute the new designs for member's cards
Credit Union- Rebrand

Mananged the tactical execution of the rebrand for a credit union in Frederick, MD.

Campaign included a hype phase -- to excite members/potential members, and a full rebrand launch -- print ads, website redesign, emails, digital screens (in-branch), ATM screens, online banner ads and more.

The credit union has experienced a 2% increase in new members and almost 10% increase in share of wallet (number of accounts open) since the rebrand.

Creative and copywriting courtesy of Fitting Group

Julia Yochum
Channel Director at InstaNatural Orlando, FL