Classworks Tiered Instructional Model Brochure - Exterior (2011) - Exterior of the Classworks Tiered Instructional Model brochure. My role in this project: concept, copy, graphic design.
Classworks Tiered Instructional Model Brochure - Interior (2011) - Interior of the Classworks Tiered Instructional Model brochure. My role in this project: concept, copy, graphic design.
Classworks ICASE Postcard (2011) - This 5x7 postcard was produced as part of a three-stage campaign leading up to the Indiana Council of Administrators of Special Education (ICASE) conference. This image shows both the front and reverse sides of the card. My role in this project: concept, copy, graphic design.
Classworks Migration Sell Sheet - Front (2011) - This sell sheet was produced to notify Classworks customers of their last chance to migrate from the older (network) version of their software to the new web edition. My role in this project: concept, copy, graphic design.
Classworks Migration Sell Sheet - Back (2011) - This sell sheet was produced to notify Classworks customers of their last chance to migrate from the older (network) version of their software to the new web edition. The chart on the back side of the sell sheet detailed the many benefits of migration. My role in this project: concept, copy, graphic design.
Classworks Key Card (2011) - This hotel key card was designed to promote Classworks brand recognition at industry trade shows and conferences. Note that the back of the key card also drives traffic to the Classworks booth. My role in this project: concept, copy, graphic design.
Classworks Managed Services Sell Sheet - Front (2011) - This sell sheet was used as an invoice stuffer to inform Classworks customers about new managed services for 2011-2012. Presenting information about all service levels in the same piece served as a teaser for customers to upgrade. My role in this project: concept, copy, graphic design.
Classworks Managed Services Sell Sheet - Back (2011) - This sell sheet was used as an invoice stuffer to inform Classworks customers about new managed services for 2011-2012. Presenting information about all service levels in the same piece served as a teaser for customers to upgrade. My role in this project: concept, copy, graphic design.
Cigma Blinds Trifold Brochure - Exterior (2010) - Exterior of trifold brochure for a trade customer called Cigma Blinds. My role in this project: concept, copy, creative direction.
Cigma Blinds Trifold Brochure - Interior (2010) - Interior of trifold brochure for a trade customer called Cigma Blinds. My role in this project: concept, copy, creative direction.
Between the Blinds Newsletter - Cover Page (2009) - This image shows the cover page of the Autumn 2009 issue of Turnils' quarterly internal newsletter, Between the Blinds. My role in this project: copy writing and editing, graphic design.
Between the Blinds Newsletter - Int. Spread (2009) - This image shows an interior spread from Turnils' quarterly internal newsletter, Between the Blinds. My role in this project: copy writing and editing, graphic design.
Fabrics Collection Brochure - Exterior (2007) - Exterior of trifold brochure for the Fabrics Collection. My role in this project: concept, copy, creative direction.
Fabrics Collection Brochure - Interior (2007) - Interior of trifold brochure for the Fabrics Collection. My role in this project: concept, copy, creative direction.
Fabrics Collection Sell Sheet - Front (2007) - Front of 2-sided sell sheet for the Fabrics Collection. My role in this project: concept, copy, creative direction.
Fabrics Collection Sell Sheet - Back (2007) - Reverse of 2-sided sell sheet for the Fabrics Collection. My role in this project: concept, copy, creative direction.
Aveno Vertical Collection Sell Sheet (2005) - A complementary sell sheet to the Aveno 2005 full line product catalog. My role in this project: concept, copy, graphic design.
Marketing Collateral
Jamie Waggoner
Marketing Communications & Creative Direction Austin, TX