For the yearbook cover, I utilized comic book stylized typefaces, bright colors and supporting gradients that featured over-sized half-tone patterns.

I wanted the design to walk the line between Roy Lichtenstein and John Romita, Jr. And like my previous year’s design, the layout features a continuation over the entire spread.

Even the back page's publisher credit (required by LifeTouch) was designed to be have a comic book style look-and-feel stating it was “Designed and Printed By Super Heroes!” in a comic book-esqe thought bubble.

A double truck collage spread featuring candid photos of the students throughout the school year. The design features large typography of the word “zaaaap!” that depicted the rapid speed in which the school year passed. It also features a “to be continued next year…” cliff-hanger text box.

Each class grade received a "grade shield". This element was to intentionally appear like the Superman shield. The school principal Darryl Robbins, allowed himself to be transformed into the fictitious superhero “Respectable Robbins”. Respect is one of the three “R”s the school promotes; respect, responsibility and readiness to learn.

Each class page features complimentary comic-style artwork and inspirational quotes. All supporting artwork and quotes were color coordinated to the individualized color palette for each grade.

All supporting artwork featured clipping paths which allowed for critical elements to fall off each photo-area of the page.

Along with the principal, each teacher became a superhero with their own mask and name.

LifeTouch 2014 Yearbook Showcase Honorable Mention