Still from Yellow Pages 30sec TVC - 'Scooter Squad'. Paint trail and black outlines were all hand drawn and rotoscoped. Justin Seau / VFX Artist / Yellow Pages - 'Scooter Squad' / TVC
Still from Yellow Pages 30sec TVC - 'Scooter Squad'. Paint trail and black outlines were all hand drawn and rotoscoped. Justin Seau / VFX Artist / Yellow Pages - 'Scooter Squad' / TVC
Yellow Pages 30sec TVC - 'Scooter Squad'

TVC for Yellow Pages to promote the ease of using their website to find local services.
I was part of the VFX team at XYZ Studios, Melbourne that rotoscoped, traced, masked and outlined the shots where the mini scooter leaves a paint trail that leaves the scenery looking yellow and hand drawn with black outlines.The deadline was tight and we laboured until late past midnight for two straight days.

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Justin Seau
Graphic / Video / UI Designer Melbourne, Australia