Collaborative Game Design

WW1 Host Seat is a game concept that came about as part of a final year paper
( Design for Play) at Massey University in Wellington. This was a collaborative paper in which I worked along side three other students Alice Kennedy, Sarah Yeo and Alysha Dougherty. WW1 HOTSEAT is a gameshow extravaganza that educates members of the public about the scale of New Zealand’s involvement in World War 1. New Zealand had the largest casualty rate per capita of any country involved and one in five sent were killed. For the public today it is difficult to comprehend. With the
100-year anniversary of the beginning of WW1 approaching next year, our group sought to create a game/installation that would engage the public and encourage the statistics of the war to resonate with them.

Freelance, Full-time
Justin Hughes
Industrial Designer Wellington, New Zealand