Bluelight hometheather 2008 - Project, made for the division bluelight of the group Elektra, Mexico city, UNAM. Home theater, it has all the brand values, and technological innovations, to increase the user experience while using a hometheather. Details like a screen on the remote and not in the console, one cable connected from the console, to the next speaker and from the speaker to the next one are some of the details we thought about. project done in company with Bernardo Nuñez and Mario Varela.
Side connections - We thought that when you connect things to your home theater, it is really annoying to turn it all the way around, and we thought that everything should be on the side. The RCA cables, the usb port, the
Bluelight hometheather - Project, made for the division bluelight of the group Elektra, Mexico city, UNAM. Home theater, it has all the brand values, and technological innovations, to increase the user experience while using a hometheather. Details like a screen on the remote and not in the console, one cable connected from the console, to the next speaker and from the speaker to the next one are some of the details we thought about. project done in company with Bernardo Nuñez and Mario Varela.
Organization - Connecting each speaker directly to the dvd is not easy, and has a lot of problems within it, so the idea of a serial connection was a nice solution in which you can connect, one speaker to the other and only one to the dvd.
Serial connections - We found out that usually you have a mess around your speakers, the cables all around. So to get rid of that we thought that it needed some way to organize and have control over that mess.
First aproaches
remote - What for do you need the display on the dvd, it would be better to have it in your hands, in the remote.
Final project, at UNAM 2008. Proposal for the american hardwood export council contest.
Final project, at UNAM 2008. Proposal for the american hardwood export council contest.
Final project, at UNAM 2008. Proposal for the american hardwood export council contest.
Final project, at UNAM 2008. Proposal for the american hardwood export council contest.
Final project, at UNAM 2008. Proposal for the american hardwood export council contest.
Final project, at UNAM 2008. Proposal for the american hardwood export council contest.
Kids ABC 2008 - Final project, at UNAM 2008. Proposal for the american hardwood export council contest.
twin for montblanc 2008
exploration 2008 - Exploring form, addition and subtraction of shapes was one of the referents.
exploration models
sketchp 2006 - some rough sketches
exploration models - some models to explore form and to analize components.
loaded speedboard proposal - Loaded speedboard proposal v lam bamboo and carbon fiber lighter yet strong.
Fun SaltnPepper
Prod work