"sparkly", implied texture, 2015 elments: color- the purple texture on his face principal: balance- there is equal weight on both sides of image since the image is almost nearly symmetrical.
"gabby and Juliet "Collage, 2015 elements: form- the shapes of me and gabby's faces and shoulders principals: unity- the repetition of our faces bring unity throughout the image.
"Monster" implied exture, 2015 element: color- the blue texture on her face principal: balance there is equal weight on both sides of image because image is symmetric
"Mr. Hartman" applied texture, 2015 element: line- the line between each photo of Mr. Hartman principal: balance there is equal weight on all sides of the image.
Advanced Portraits

The portrait technique that I liked best was the implied texture portraits. I had a lot of fun in Photoshop applying the texture and it allowed for more creativity. I did not like the collage technique because I do not like making images that aren't cohesive. Next time, I think I would use more different and abstract textures.

Juliet DePalma
photography student Sparta Township, NJ