SAIL Plan for Downtown Miami - The Downtown Miami Signature Art & Iconic Landmarks (SAIL) Plan stems from the 2025 Downtown Miami Master Plan that calls for enhanced public art and landmarks in Downtown, as well as a signature iconic landmark at Bayfront Park. SAIL identifies existing conditions, opportunities, and concepts for public art and iconic landmarks throughout Downtown Miami as a way of drawing attention and visitors to Downtown, and improving the quality of life of Downtown’s residents, employees, and visitors.
Eternal Dance Proposal - Eternal Dance is a concept for the implication of an Iconic Landmark located in the Downtown Miami area
Eternal Dance continued... - Views of Eternal Dance from different locations
SAIL Plans
Existing Sites - Pictorial inventory of existing art and landmarks in the Downtown Miami area.
Opportunity Sites - Pictorial survey of potential opportunity sites for future art and landmarks in the Downtown Miami area.
Infinity Crosswalks - Design is currently being implemented in every crosswalk along Brickell Avenue.
Light Up the Tracks - Light Up the Tracks is a concept that will solve the problem of lighting the streets of Downtown Miami in a unique and artistic fashion
Mural Concepts - Action plan to incorporate murals in the Downtown Miami area
SAIL Plan for Downtown Miami

Iconic Landmark and other public arts designed for the Downtown Miami area.