A mock up of what the wall would look like when finished and lays out the furniture pieces and graphic elements used. Adobe Illustrator was used to layout the mock-up and Adobe InDesign was used for the individual Coworker of the month A4's.
I was responsible for removing the old components from the previous wall, prepping the area (patching and painting) and installing the new plexi holders, graphic elements and furniture pieces.
Coworker of the Month Wall

I was tasked with updating and combining the Coworker of the Month wall with the "Buddy" wall (mentor program). Using the new Employer Branding (HR) package, I updated the look and created a more coherent and streamlined area for coworkers to get information about their mentors and Coworker/Leader of the Month nominees/ recipients.

Julianna Paluch
Graphic Designer Greensburg, PA