Thesis- An Approach to Product Design - How much is necessary to know about people's lives to help make their day-to-day tribulations easier through the objects and environment that surrounds them? Anthropology and ethnography are a means of relating real people and qualitative research to real needs and life issues. Throughout this semester long project, my colleague and I focused on process development. We created a main framework for people to use as an approach to product design with respect to the social sciences. The results are a more meaningful relationship between a product and its user. The frameworks were exemplified through a current product called Go-Gurt and a study on breakfast time behavior.
Lighting - This lighting project focuses on the atmosphere created in a room. The object itself remains unobtrusive. This atmosphere resembles light filtering through water, creating a sort of fluidity and reflective pattern within the room and about the object. The colors, mood, and atmosphere change as one moves around the room, yet the lighting fixture is immobile.
Bent Plywood Series - Furniture...something that supports human behavior. The goal was to develop a series of bent plywood furniture using the same mold repeatedly. The project began by observing peoples daily habits and routines. This particular series aims to relax, yet also aid the modern need to multi-task. They do not confine one to a specific activity as each piece encourages various interactions.