Pattern, 2013. This photograph represents pattern because of the lines on the fence. I applied brightness, contrast, vibrance, and saturation to this image.
Contrast, 2013. This photograph represents contrast because the orange m&m contrasts the blue m&ms. I applied color balance, vibrance, and levels to this image.
Emphasis, 2013. This photograph represents emphasis because the feather is the item that stands out the most due to the dull colors in the background. I applied brightness, contrast, vibrance, saturation, and color balance to this image.
Balance, 2013. This photograph represents balance because the weight of the shed balances out the weight of the car. I applied exposure to this image.
movement, 2013. This photograph represents movement because the pencil is moving across the paper. I applies black and white, brightness, and contrast.
Artist Choice, 2013. This image represents pattern, line, value, and unity. It represents line and pattern because the piano keys are lines and they make a pattern. I used black and white.
Artists Choice, 2013. This photograph represents color, texture, pattern, and contrast. it represents color and contrast because of the complimentary colors in the image. It represents pattern because of the natural pattern in the leaf and it represents texture because of the leafs' pattern. I applied color balance, contrast, and vibrance to this image.
Unity, 2013. This photograph represents unity because the picture would be nothing if it weren't for the tree. I applied color balance, vibrance, brightness, and contrast.
Principles of Design


Julia Iannuzzi
Photography Student Jersey City, NJ