San Francisco State University has multiple programs supported by individual donations in order to promote Chamber Music. Creative State attracts first class musicians, one of which is jasper String Quartet. Jasper's objective was to entice new, younger audiences by renovating common expectation of the advertising materials. This piece shows a contemporary face of chamber music with its light tones, unexpected cuts, and up t date fonts.
San Francisco State University has a marvelous dance program which features a performance, choreographed by senior students, each semester. The advertising campaign was ordered to promote the event for internal and external audiences. The focal point of this project was engaging interest among the public in contemporary dance and showcase fresh choreography.
This piece exemplifies a concept for theatrical play "Lorenzaccio," by Alfred de Musset that has been adapted and directed by Mohammad Kowsar. This poster reveals antagonistic relationship between de' Medici cousins in the 16th century in Florence. Mysterious eyes behind the mask reveal the upcoming drama.

This section combines some of the advertising work I've done for San Francisco State University music, dance, or theater events. The process was focused on both events' and clients' needs or wants. Most of these pieces were a fruit of a team labor, however I have generated the presented work concepts and was an active team player during every project.

Julia Grosman
Passionate graphic designer is looking for creative job opportunities. Sunnyvale, CA