Design research project for designing an electric "concept car" for shared use. Role: Principal Investigator PI and design director. See full credits here:
Design research project for designing an electric "concept car" for shared use. Role: Principal Investigator PI and design director. See full credits here:
Design research project for designing an electric "concept car" for shared use. Role: Principal Investigator PI and design director. See full credits here:
Design research project for designing an electric "concept car" for shared use. Role: Principal Investigator PI and design director. See full credits here:
1:1 scale model for anthropometric tests. Goal: Design research project for designing an electric "concept car" for shared use. Role: Principal Investigator PI and design director. See full credits here:
Full working protoype. Goal: Design research project for designing an electric "concept car" for shared use. Role: Principal Investigator PI and design director. See full credits here:
Prototype. Goal: Design research project for designing an electric "concept car" for shared use. Role: Principal Investigator PI and design director. See full credits here:
Rear view of the car. 3D model. Goal: Design research project for designing an electric "concept car" for shared use. Role: Principal Investigator PI and design director. See full credits here:
Electric vehicle for carsharing

Goal: Design research project for designing an electric "concept car" for shared use.

Role: Principal Investigator PI and design director.

A prototype was manufactured in alliance with the National Learning Service of Colombia in Sogamoso.

Some results and products of this project were:

Industrial design registration patent.

Winner of the Best Young Idea of ??Sustainable Mobility 2015 award granted by Y4TP of the International Union of Public Transport UITP.

Documentary in the international Eurovision series BIG CITIES, broadcasted in America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

Interfaculty and interinstitutional networks were created with SENA and private companies.

Project selected in the call for pedagogical innovation for authentic performances of the discipline with high academic value in teaching-learning tasks.

See full credits here:

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Juan Mendoza
Industrial Designer Bogota, Colombia