Packaging for premium chocolate brand De Abril 2017

Sustainable and artisanal products need the proper packaging to let a high quality and distinctive product shine.

The product: truffles to prepare delicious and healthy hot Colombian chocolate beverages, coexisting with the brand logo in the cap of the box as main protagonist of the partially clear, beautiful and elegant envelope.

The main idea is to use packaging not only as a way of preservation but to be a display of all the qualities of the product, in order to create a deep connection between brand and product in the mind of the consumer.

The final touches are leafs and branches in the non clear sides of the box, elements that help us remember the sense of sustainability and delicate use of the soil in the production of the product. Soil that was once used improperly, today rekindled to provide us with and elegant, healthy and delicious product directly from the north-eastern Colombian mountains.

Juan Pablo ...
Business designer / Brand strategist Bogotá, Colombia