App to get best match for currency exchange Milgot - 2016

To find places for currency exchange when travelling people deal with expensive rates or the need of extensive research, loosing valuable time. Also, in some countries it is difficult to feel safe about the truthfulness of the money, or security in certain areas of the city. Finally; in some places is not possible to exchange directly from one currency to the other, forcing double exchange.

Milgot is a specialized digital platform to find the best choice (Price / location / security / forecast) when money exchange is required; in one or a set of different places and between two or more currencies. Combining multiple variables, creating data combinations to give precise recommendations. The app allows using travelers itinerary to analyze the best match for exchanging between different currencies in different locations, including forecasting to analyze currencies behavior over time. The user will know in a few seconds the exact amount of money he is going to get (no hidden charges).

Juan Pablo ...
Business designer / Brand strategist Bogotá, Colombia