Cell Sector View
Create Role - User fills in the fields and makes radio button selections. When finished, user clicks Save button.
Cell Sector Commit Status - Designed user flow and new progress bar graphics.
About Box - The team wanted to add version info to the interface. Instead of cluttering up the header with more text, I created an Account tab which now holds the following actions: View About Box, Change Password and Log Out. I created the product icon and About Box design.
BEFORE - Define Role - This is where the user views the current configuration of the Role. Edit button allows user to make changes.
BEFORE - Old Framework - The functionality found in the old MAPS system was being being added to this existing console design. I designed the functionality of the new features, and polished the infrastructure of the whole interface, including banner and position of the buttons.
LMCE Admin Console - Before and After
Jeff Thorslund
User Experience Designer Sunnyvale, CA