FINAL layout - Final clean design which closely matches the MSDN standard.
Merchandising Server Iterations - Original design. Organized but visually heavy. Right:Left alignment of labels deemed too Mac-like for this web console.
Merchandising Server Iterations - Left:Left alignment. Space between some labels and text becomes quite great.
Merchandising Server Iterations - Left:Left alignment, without a universal grid. Spacing between labels and text is more consistent but text is harder to scan.
Merchandising Server Iterations - Removed heavy headers and borders. Design is cleaner but text seems to float. Hard to scan.
Merchandising Server Iterations - Lines add structure, but lack a polished, well designed look.
Merchandising Server Iterations - Vertical lines removed. Universal grid restored for easier scanning of text.
Merchandising Server Iterations - Alternate horizontal line placement. Edit link seems disconnected.
Edit link replaced with Edit button. Clearly clickable but adds too much visual weight to page.
Edit link placed in line with Subheading. Placeholder icons added to match MSDN standards.
Merchandising Server Wireframe - This is the original wireframe created by the interaction designers. This was the basis for my visual design.
Design Iterations
Jeff Thorslund
User Experience Designer Sunnyvale, CA