Merchandising Server - I lead the design on this complex web-based admin console built in Silverlight.
Merchandising Server - I lead the design on this complex web-based admin console built in Silverlight.
Merchandising Server - I lead the design on this complex web-based admin console built in Silverlight.
Merchandising Server - I lead the design on this complex web-based admin console built in Silverlight.
OLD Design - This is what the previous version of Merchandising Server looked like before it was redesigned.
OLD Design - This is what the previous version of Merchandising Server looked like before it was redesigned.
Citrix DSM Stores - An admin console build into the MMC.
Citrix DSM Welcome Page - An admin console build into the MMC.
Amplicity Admin Splash - Splash screen for Amplicity admin software.
Administrator Consoles
Jeff Thorslund
User Experience Designer Sunnyvale, CA