Pop up box to edit photo information.
Gallery in edit mode (logged in).
Viewing on image at a time. Big arrows for navigation. Keyboard arrow keys can also be used. Full screen mode is also available. The photos are easily shared on facebook and pinterest. Images load with ajax so the page doesn't need to refresh.
Front page of the classic art section of my Artist Peeps site. Images are randomly queried from database in less a search is submitted.
Classic Art Database

This is a project I've been working on. Using public domain images from wikimedia commons I am building a database of classic art. I'm using PHP, MYSQL, Javascript, HTML5 and Ajax to code it.
It features full screen mode and big arrows with the option to use your keyboard arrows to navigate through the art.
When I am logged in I can easily add images, edit image information, create/edit rooms and edit the artist's information and background color.

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Jason Campbell
Web Designer/Developer at Sleep Train Inc. Sacramento, CA