WGN Navy Pier Poster - I was hired directly as a freelancer by WGN to design and produce this poster to be displayed on Chicago's Navy Pier.
Xaxii logo - Logo design for a new online community
Xaxii logo design and Identity - I was responsible for the design of the logo, identity and website for this new online community.
Racing Champions Sports Illustrated Ad - Under a bit of collaboration with another art director, I was responsible for the design of this ad, taking photos of the product, retouching, typesetting and final collection of the file for output to the printer. All in a timely manner to be printed in Sports Illustrated that same week.
Header Display for the launch of a new flavor of Froste Flakes - I worked with an art director to design and execute this POS header. I re-illustrated Tony based on the style guide, illustrated the cinnamon sticks, the drum and made sure all things in this file were prepared and ready to go to the printers.
Layout and Design
John Bergman
Freelance Graphic Artist Chicago, IL