Mobility at the first and last mile of the Intermodal Passenger Transport in a European Megacity - More info online:
Mobility at the first and last mile of the Intermodal Passenger Transport in a European Megacity
Mobility at the first and last mile of the Intermodal Passenger Transport in a European Megacity - The company wants to improve the mobility in megacities with a new concept of buses (light-weight, electrical & modular low mini-bus). The final concept vehicle included a future sustainable vision of this system as a coherent part of the inter-modular system of transportation. The final result is ITO that is a family of fully low floor, modular and light-weight cyber cars, minibuses and buses with electric propulsion for a flexible range of passengers. Van der Zanden T. (Illustrations)
Twingo 2015 - Twingo 2015, concept car Tags: VIP, Creative tools, Strategic product Client: Academic work TUDelft (Delft University of Technology) Design: Kooistra M.P. and Mejia J.R. Project date & place: The Netherlands 2008
twingo 2015 concept car - Based on the deconstruction of the interior and exterior of the Renault Twingo 2007 the team designed the concept car following the Vision in Product Design process (ViP - Hekkert and Dijk TUDelft 1997) using the concept: "Uplifting tree-house" where the city is busy, dark, depressing, stressful and the car is a friendly, happy, connecting, colourful, smart, comfortable and safe tree-house in the domain of young starters with a medium income that live or work in the city.
twingo 2015 concept car - Based on the deconstruction of the interior and exterior of the Renault Twingo 2007 the team designed the concept car following the Vision in Product Design process (ViP - Hekkert and Dijk TUDelft 1997) using the concept: "Uplifting tree-house" where the city is busy, dark, depressing, stressful and the car is a friendly, happy, connecting, colourful, smart, comfortable and safe tree-house in the domain of young starters with a medium income that live or work in the city.
Ricardo Mejia
Strategic Product Designer, Project Manager, Industrial Designer Bogota, Colombia