A Casino in Biloxi

Present day Biloxi is known for the numerous casinos bordering the coastline. But decades ago the city thrived as one of the prime oyster fishing locations in the US. Oil spills, numerous hurricanes and the gambling industry have dimishined the possibility for oysters reefs to redevelop. Starting with the premise of the artificial barrier island project and the proposed adapation to southeastern Biloxi, the design of the casino intedens to address the following: The tensions between biological (nature) and mechanical (man-made) networks and find an interactive, mututally beneficiary balance. Engage the landscape, integrate the water, and support the oyster habitat. Continue or advance the geometric logic of the islands. Create gaming spaces that connect people with the surrounding environment and ecology of Biloxi, while drawing people in from that environment to explore the new, exciting spaces of the casino.

Jose Pajares
Undergraduate Senior Architecture student at Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA