
As n artiest you get those days when your angry, happy , non scripted, or so annoyed at the fact of nothing. Any way this is when I throw everything out the window I know about "good" art practice. get my cheap pre stretched canvas, I ignore my brushes or at times even paint and grab for the car oil new or dangerous and just stick my middle finger up to everything I have learnt and teach. I feel paint, feel my need to express and my arrogance of being an artist . feelings im so scared of showing. I end up with definitely not the best work I can do by far but i know I put everything I needed out of me and on to the canvas I met.

The images her have been Ironically destroyed by another person trying to hurt me. In honesty all these pieces held were my knots of being creative. Like having a pain in you back so you massage it out. Though still my art work, I created not to last or missed , I feel as their not here through none my own choice, they deserve a place and recognition.

Jo Strange
Visual/Digital Arts lecturer Nottingham, United Kingdom