Engineers' Week - Joy
Engineers' Week is a student run organization that plans an entire week of events that celebrate the College of Engineering at Iowa State. Events include the fall engineering career fair, high school senior visitation, charity ball, free lunch for engineers, among other various events. The events are all planned and executed by college of engineering students. I have been involved with Engineers' Week since I was a freshman. My freshman year I volunteered as an Ambassador to help set up tents, tables, and chairs. I thought it was very cool to see other students leading such large events so I wanted to get more involved and become one of them. I then joined the senior visitation subcommittee and enjoyed interacting with prospective students. The next year I led the charity ball committee and learned a lot about team management and event planning. Finally, I made it all the way to the top of the organization and am a co-president for Engineers' Week 2013.