3D OpenGL Chess (From Scratch)
This project was an incredible learning experience. I began this project having never used OpenGL or any library like it, and I was not very familiar with C++. Through hundreds of hours of watching training videos and reading C++ and algorithm reference books, I pulled together a fully functional 3D chess game. The amount of things I learned during this project is just staggering so I will try to list them all, but I may miss some.
- C++ language conventions and concepts
- Solidifying OOP concepts with C++
- OpenGL Library
- I wrote a class that will read from a .OBJ file, populate user-defined, 3 field(xyz) vector lists with x,y and z coordinates of every vector, uv, and normal coordinate in the .obj file. Then we push each one into a face vector list based on information gained from the .OBJ file. All of this, just to bring in my 3D chess piece models!
- I learned two OpenGL APIs as well: GLUT and SDL