Booth 3D concept. Atlantic Technology trade show booth featuring the Systemline multi-room audio system. Each panel was a distinct zone of audio. There were also unique curved graphic portions showing how the home theater products could be matched to the environment.
Finished booth, Systemline section. Atlantic Technology trade show booth featuring the Systemline multi-room audio system. Each panel was a distinct zone of audio.
Finished booth, home theater section. These are the unique curved graphic portions showing how the home theater products could be matched to the environment.
Soundcast booth 3D concept.
Soundcast booth finished. Soundcast's products are at home in a variety of environments. Each corner was a mini-environment with working displays. There was sand in the beach and fake snow in the winter.
Russound booth redesign.
Russound booth redesign.
Russound booth redesign.
Tradeshow Exhibit Design

My booth designs start with 3D concepts that are at scale. I worked with the booth manufacturer to ensure the correct implementation of surfaces, design and graphics.

Joshua Cooper
Creative Director Boston, MA