HEART OF THE CITY - "The Lark City is no ordinary city, while other human habitation of like are powered by natural resources. This city is solely powered by an uncanny android girl - Nei. Many have gone to catch a glimps of her, she's lies at the heart..." eMail: joshlabindustries(at)gmail.com web: www.joshlaboratorie.blogspot.com eStore: http://society6.com/joshlab twitter: www.twitter.com/joshlab
SOLAR-REACTOR - CONCEPT: Solar-Reactor is a solar-retracting generator that retrieve solar pulse and regenerate into stored electrical power. This is where female agents comes in with "Green Globe". Green Globe is a genetically engineered batteries that allows a certain amount of electrical power stored in it for various uses." eMail: joshlabindustries(at)gmail.com web: www.joshlaboratorie.blogspot.com eStore: http://society6.com/joshlab twitter: www.twitter.com/joshlab
DECKERS - CONCEPT: In 2050, when the Earth is experiencing scarcity of land and overpopulation. The nations of the world decided to come out with a plan to build multiple tectonic platforms, which is capable of holding ecoculture that breeds life. Deckers are highly-trained contruction engineers to study and survey suitable land for such constructions." eMail: joshlabindustries(at)gmail.com web: www.joshlaboratorie.blogspot.com eStore: http://society6.com/joshlab twitter: www.twitter.com/joshlab
Josh Laboratorie
Joshua Tay
Concept Illustrator Singapore, Singapore