Presentation Model - Over the course of the semester, the design evolved from an abstract cardboard sculpture, ideally demonstrating the archetypal Pratt 3D aesthetic of Dominant, Sub-Dominant, and Subordinate elements, into a presentation model. The model represented a process that included 3 refinements of the original form, which was culled from 5 sculptures at the beginning of the semester, a planar study, wire contour study, and many drawings.
Caedius in class drawing - 20 minute drawing representing the design as it would appear at the end of the semester.
Photoworks Test Render - In order to print some of the parts for the presentation model, Josh built the entire vehicle in Solidworks. Some parts were milled on a C&C machine, some were printed by FDM, and others SLS.
This Blue Foam model was an early form study that really kind of defined the Caedius. The pieces were quick cut, glued together, and painted. I honestly felt that, although rough, this version had the best spirit and more dynamic form. I lost some of the dynamism in the presentation model.
Detail of Sketch - This is a cropped scan taken from various parts of the vehicle, showing where the engine sits in the vehicle. This is one of hundreds of drawings that were done during the semester. The portfolio is bursting at the seems with newsprint drawings!
Because the project started out as 5 abstract sculptures, the vehicles, in drawings, were able to take on many different looks while still retaining prime elements of the sculpture. In this early drawing, you can see the basic elements of the Caedius, while the spirit of this drawing is a good bit different.
Another early drawing taken from the abstract model that would become the Caedius.
The contour study is one element of the Pratt Transportation Design Studio that is executed prior to the presentation model that helps further define the form. It was quite a time consuming process to solder all of the wires together, but the results were pretty cool.
Abstract Transportation Design - Caedius

The Pratt Transportation Design studio, taught by Martin Skalski, is an exercise in design through abstraction. By starting with abstract forms, the designer may actually discover new functions and really unique aesthetic forms.

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Josh Eyre
Product Designer Seattle, WA