Line,2013. This photo represents line because the repetition and the change in color of the grass in the different lines draws your eyes up the picture in a line motion.i changed output,input,vibrance,and saturation.
Shape,2013. this photo represents shape because of how the back board of the hoop represents a simple square and resembles shape. i changed vibrance and saturation.
texture,2013. this photo represents photo because the texture of the tree bark is very visable and you can imagine feeling the bark and how it feels under your fingers.i changed vibrance and saturation.
space,2013. this picture represents space because of its abiluty to express positive and negative space.i changed vibrance and saturation.
value, 2013. this picture represents value because of the different shades of grey in the assfault. i changed brightness and contras.
color,2013. this represents color because of its vibrant colors in it and the different placements draw your eye all over the picture. i changed vibrance,saturation,exposure,offset,and gamma exposure.
Elements of art

Line, Shape, Form,Texture,Space,Value,Color

Jordan Proctor
photography student Jersey City, NJ