hijacked - Do you own your computer or does your computer own you?
Intelli-toast production - The little mouse on the bottom peddles a bike that powers the generator and gears on the bottom of the machine. The treads move the machine over the bread and heat coils on the bottom toasts it. The energy is transfered to the bunsen burner and crank shaft where brain juice is churned and turned to butter. The brain butter drips down onto the fresh toast and thus Intelli-toast is made.
Rollar Coaster comparison - These are marker renderings that compare old rollar coasters to contemporary ones.
Business Dino - Is his roar worse than his bite?
Fashion Model - This is a stab at conceptual fashion design
Octoburn - A pencil line doodle of a concept car.
Where's the Giraffe Bear? - This was a giant sketch pile from my old studio 3 class.
Block Strippers - Fun at the night club; squared.
Jordan M Clayton
Creative Director, UX Raleigh, NC