Design Guidance

The graphic and verbal communication of design intent is an essential part of what I do as a landscape architect. An important component of the public realm improvements in Dumbarton (1) were the design guides and public consultation exercises that explained the context of each phase of the improvement works. The design guide for the new settlement at Crichie near Aberdeen (2) illustrated the character of each zone of the development., including the main square. For Bellgrove in Greenock (3) the early design concepts were explained in simple zoning diagrams.
I also coordinated the design proposals for Lurgan and Portadown (4) in Northern Ireland. Sketchup is an excellent programme to explain 3d concepts and can be used to simply explain design ideas such as in this diagram for the Edinburgh streets design guide (5).

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Jon Simmons
Landscape Architect Helensburgh, United Kingdom