Windquil Roof Concept - Covers the entire roof of our yacht. Sun hits it it, Wind blows over it, and it blocks light to cool down interior temperatures. When the wind blows over it, visual waves form from the light and shadows created by the moving surfaces. ~ 6000 individual surfaces cover the roof. This is just a sample section.

Delayed.... Description is continued from the previous image. - Rafael was working on the 'island' idea. The rear of the ship (the platypus tail looking thing) detaches and becomes a getaway island for the guests. It would have a pool, and a bar. Jordan was working on the bow of the ship and the connections from that to the rest of the ship. There would be a large tunnel connecting the deck to the interior guest suite hall.
Again, I hope this project starts up again, as a lot of time has been put into the planning of the project and the interior spaces.

Maybe not coming soon... - Will be the greenest mega yacht design in the world.

Progress - This is where my progress was at before the project kind of died off. Hopefully it gets started up again.
I need to give credit to Rafael Dos Santos and Jordan Recchia for working with me on the design. We kind of divided up the project into different interior/detail areas. My area was the central hall (connected all of the guest suites) of the ship and the Owners suite, shown here.
Description continued on next image.