The Cosmos DVD set, unfolded, showing the main components - 3 DVDs (season one, season two, season three), the fold-out DVD box, a DVD booklet / episode guide (in the pouch on the left), and the protective slipcase (centre, behind DVDs).
Template for the DVD set slipcase, showing the front and back covers, side panels and spine.
The comic strip that appeared on the outside of the DVD box, one comic strip panel for each of the box panels. The comic strip is revealed panel by panel as the box is opened out.
The front cover for the DVD booklet / episode guide, featuring Gene, one of the main cast members.
A spread from the DVD booklet, showing part of the 'Cosmosian Who's who' character guide, and the 'episode guide' and 'special features' that would be on disc one.... if it were actually real.
The back cover of the DVD booklet, showing the four members of the main cast (Artie, Gene, Ax and Macy).
DVD package design: Cosmos

Sadly, this is not a real DVD set. or a real animated series (yet), but if Cosmos were to strike it lucky, this is what the inevitable 3 DVD boxed set might look like. Packaging components, the DVD booklet, and a bonus comic strip (on the outside of the slip-out DVD container) are all represented here - in glorious full colour!

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Jon Kay
Auckland, New Zealand