Shape - 2013 This is a image of shape because of all the lines and circles in the picture. The tomato is growing on the vine and this picture also has great color. To make this picture look so good I used Hue and saturation and color balance.
Line -2013 This great picture of grass shows lines from top to bottom of the picture. I used Channel Mixer to change this picture to a brighter green and it also made it have a yellow effect on it. The lines of grass in this are across the screen from top to bottom.
Color -2013 This is a spider web with leaves in the background. I used Hue and saturation in this. It shows the red and green leaves in the back and the spider web has a little amount of blue to it.
Brightens- 2013 This photo of a tree and the forest also has the sun in the back. To the left side of the tree it is all open space or negative space. I used brightness and contrast to get the effect and the sun also helps make the effect even better.
Texture-2013 This picture of a flower shows great texture in the flower. I used curves to help show the flower in more detail. The flower is very vivid in this picture.
Value-2013 This is my black and white picture. I used the black and white effect for it. The flowers in this are the main thing in the picture. You can see the very detailed parts of the flower.
Elements of Art