Water Treatment Facility - A schematic collage representing concepts for a river side water treatment landscape.
Thing 14 - A mapping reinterpreting a road-trip consisting of only right hand turns.
Road-Trip Mapping - A more traditional mapping of a road-trip consisting of only right hand turns.
Solar Racing Institute - Ink on mylar. Drawing based on views created from digitizing a metal "shell" model.
Solar Racing Institute - Ink on mylar. Drawing based on views created from digitizing a metal "shell" model. Series reflects sectioning of programmatic infill elements contained with the shell.
Solar Racing Institute - Ink on mylar. Drawing based on views created from digitizing a metal "shell" model. Series reflects sectioning of programmatic infill elements contained with the shell.
Solar Racing Institute - Ink on mylar. Drawing based on views created from digitizing a metal "shell" model.
Solar Racing Institute - Ink on mylar. Drawing based on views created from digitizing a metal "shell" model. Series reflects sectioning of programmatic infill elements contained with the shell.
Solar Racing Institute - Ink on mylar. Drawing based on views created from digitizing a metal "shell" model. Series reflects sectioning of programmatic infill elements contained with the shell.
Solar Racing Institute - Shell model created with brake, shear and resistance welder. Represented race track constructed from spring steel and rivets.
Chance Encounters
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Chance Encounters
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The Cube
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Undergraduate Senior Project - Double skinned modular retrofit proposal
Undergraduate Senior Project - Double skinned modular retrofit proposal
Undergraduate Senior Project - Double skinned modular retrofit proposal
Undergraduate Senior Project - Double skinned modular retrofit proposal
Nomads + Nanomaterials - Graduate Studio with Shelia Kennedy and Frano Violich of KVA
Nomads + Nanomaterials - Graduate Studio with Shelia Kennedy and Frano Violich of KVA. Image shown rendered by Joseph Kim, demostrating concepts developed by O'Mara, Kim, and Cynthia Strawn.
Nomads + Nanomaterials - Graduate Studio with Shelia Kennedy and Frano Violich of KVA Size: approx. 24" x 15" 1/4 of a conoidal shell casting with textile reinforcing. The laser cut hardboard fixture below the casting sample was used to create a thermoplastic vacuum mold that hosted the casting. The coffering resulted from drawing the thermoplastic in the grid voids of the fixture.
Nomads + Nanomaterials - Graduate Studio with Shelia Kennedy and Frano Violich of KVA The architecture is designed to collect and distribute energy in the form sunlight and rainwater. The structure is infrastructure. The runoff is directed into cisterns located in the heart of the columnar umbrellas eventually flowing to spigots which drain into a man-made reflecting pond at the center of the site. The cavity of the reflecting pond was the conceptual location for casting each shell on-site.
Nomads + Nanomaterials - Graduate Studio with Shelia Kennedy and Frano Violich of KVA The conceptual low voltage textile matrix provides the tensile strength for the concrete while transporting energy from solar panel arrays to battery storage.
Studio Work
Jason O'Mara
Designer Los Angeles, CA