pic tie : brand to web.

The client : Venture studios Ahmedabad.
VentureStudio located at Ahmedabad in Gujarat, India, aims to nucleate an ecosystem of innovation that accelerates regional economic development and create a national and global impact. VentureStudio believes that practicing design-led approaches to business creation will foster an ecosystem of innovation.

VentureStudio offers a product and business creation oppurtunity at Ahmedabad University, Gujarat, India, through a full-time six-month fellowship program for entrepreneurs, engineers, innovators and designers to learn and practice designing their own companies. Fellows will work in teams to identify critical market needs, generate and prototype novel solutions and develop business models to launch scalable businesses to satisfy such needs.
other web pages are still in progress and the coders are working their magic simultaneously.

Arushi Sethi
student / thinker Bangalore, India