DEMOGRAPHIC™ MUSICOLOGIST: Music lovers will appreciate the map of North America covered by a British flag, and topped with the neck of a guitar. All hail the British Invasion!
DEMOGRAPHIC™ TREE HUGGER: This design features an indented bark pattern to simulate as if the wearer has just had a big hug with his or her favorite tree. Significant others may get jealous!
DEMOGRAPHIC™ WORLD TRAVELER: Travelers will connect with this world map featuring the most traveled to cities on each continent including New York City, São Paulo, Paris, Mumbai, Cairo and Sydney.
DEMOGRAPHIC™ ALLERGIC: Features a linear drawing of wild flowers and floating pollen spores. For people with allergies, this shirt is something to sneeze at!
DEMOGRAPHIC™ CREATIVE: With the words "right brain" in reverse, this design celebrates the side of the brain dedicated to creativity. Artsy types call this shirt a "no brainer.”
DEMOGRAPHIC™ ENLIGHTENED: Relax with this symbol of radiating energy that reveals the secret to inner peace. Stylized lungs within make known that breathing is key in the journey toward enlightenment.
DEMOGRAPHIC™ ANALYTICAL: Analyze this! With the words "left brain" assembled out of letters and numbers, this design celebrates the side of the brain dedicated to rational thought.
DEMOGRAPHIC™ ACTIVIST: Features a slightly altered symbol for woman with the addition of an equal sign. Show your support for all those created equal.
DEMOGRAPHIC™ BEER LOVER: Beer 101. This design features the basic brewing process, ingredients and resulting styles of beer all within the shape of a pint glass. Cheers for beers!
DEMOGRAPHIC™ CHICAGOAN: The Chicago flag defined. Each stripe of the flag has a specific meaning and in this design the stripes are actually made out of the words they represent.
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John W. Ritter
Independent Art Director, Graphic Designer, Creative Consultant Detroit, MI