Design for film as Monarch's airborne command and control center. Flying folding wing design with ducted VTOL. Payload includes two (folding) Osprey VTOL vehicles and two Humvees. Designed and modeled in Maya. Art Dept did a subsequent paint-over to add big guns, flaming engines, etc, before being passed off to post production for vfx. These are not renders, but displayed in Maya's viewport.
Wings fully folded.
Wings fully extended.
Wings at 2/3 fold.
Submersible drone (design)
Kaiju dismemberment trough (design).
Deep Ocean BFG in Weapon's Maintenance Dry Dock (design).
Sub Bay entrance disguised as oil platform. Design and modeling. Used in previs and passed to production.
Design for Anti-Kaiju Weapon (AKW). Used in previs.
Design for retrofitted Nuke warhead and Carrying case. Used in Previs.
Godzilla : King of the Monsters :: Design

Design, Modeling, and rendering using Maya VP2.0

Freelance, Full-time
John Hewitt
environment/industrial design & lookdev/lighting Los Angeles, CA