Detail from the Women in Law timeline.
A timeline dedicated to the tradition of public service of William Mitchell faculty and alumni throughout the college's 100 plus year history.
Detail from Public Service at William Mitchell. The background patterns are period-specific and meant to evoke the spirit of each of the 20 year intervals illustrated by the timeline. The colors and fonts are derived from the college's own style guide.
A hall of honor installation dedicated to William Mitchell alumni who went on to higher service as Justices of the Minnesota Supreme Court.
Wall Displays William Mitchell College of Law

Over the years I have created a number of large-scale historical presentations for William Mitchell. Most of these have been developed as timelines to illustrate various aspects of legal and college history. These are meticulously researched project that require several months of development and close cooperation with writers and archivists. The final products a reproduced on a plexiglass substrate measuring approximately 3' x 18' and mounted with special hardware on a semi-permanent photomural (about 9' x 20') in a high-traffic area of the college.

Creative Direction: Pamela Belding

John Diebel
Graphic Designer Minneapolis, MN