Album Collateral - Album/CD cover art for dj by the name of This Is Robbie.
magazine slick - For this magazine spread I wanted to create a dynamic postive and negative space through the use of high-contrast, simple shapes and lines.
Back to the Drawing Board Poster - A poster designed to advertise an industrial design expo for students. I wanted to keep this a simple one color poster that could be cheaply printed and posted widely around a college campus and town. The Image creates curiosity and intrigues one enough to take a closer look.
ExoSkeleton Poster - A poster created for a museum exhibit showcasing a large selection of anthropods.
2-heavy - poster announcing cd release
Big Web Site - Website graphics supplied for a custom steel works company.
King of the Hill Video Game Project - Mock project for an interview process
King of the Hill Video Game Project - Mock project for an interview process
Leiber Catalogue - Assisted in design and layout of catalogue.
ad designed using supplied graphics and photos for a mock ad project/applicant package.
fuego ad - Logo, label and ad created for an Alcoholic Beverage.
RNR Flyer - Promotional Flyer
Topo-graph poster - Poster displaying new typeface design. Topograph
Las Casas Del Sol - Poster for lecture series hosted. Photograph provided
Striking Decay - Poster and Email Banner for lecture series
Striking Decay - Poster and Email Banner for lecture series
Ninether Website - Ninether Website Redesign
Ninether Website - Ninether Website Redesign
Ninether Website - Ninether Website Redesign
Ninether Website - Ninether Website Redesign