Robert Capa

He was born Endre Friedmann to Dezso and Júlia Friedmann-Berkovits in Budapest, Austria-Hungary on October 22, 1913. Deciding that there was little future under the regime in Hungary after World War I, he left home at 18. He originally wanted to be a writer but he found work in photography in berlin and loved the art. He moved from Germany to France after the beginning of nazism. He had to drop the jewish name Friedmann and went by the name of Robert Capa since it sounded more American. Soon after he moved to the U.S and became a photographer and was sent to France with American troops on photo assignments. He was apart of the first wave of soldiers on D-Day, which had fought the heaviest resistance in the battle. He also took photos in China, Italy, and Isreal but the D-Day pictures are his most famous.