ELLE Decoration - I worked on the stool. Small pieces of wood float on a foam mattress. A really comfy stool, even if it looked as hard as a cutting table. This stool was manufactured, but the small company who did them closed; so if you are interested let me know. The price indicated was for all the pieces in the picture not just for the stool.
ELLE Decoration - A nice picture for the "Lucky Swing" Fly swatter.
ELLE Decoration - I'm showing you this picture because I was quite pleased to see my little Lucky Swing next to Starck and Ron Arad creations. Okay it's very small in the picture, I know.
IDEAT - Again the Lucky Swing in flower pots.
L'EXPRESSE Mag - Cream colored Lucky Swing flat on the floor. This room looks a bit messy.
johann Aumaitre
Soap Maker and Soap Designer Poitiers, France