Contrast, 2013. This photograph represents contrast because of the bright red shoes against the dark dirt. I applied different levels to this image.
Balance, 2013. This photo represents balance because of the placement of the trees on the rolling hill that creates an equal weight. I applied black and white to this image.
Emphasis, 2013. This photo represents emphasis because of the yellow plastic on the fence and the yellow flower in the back that makes it stand out. In photoshop I applied vibrance.
Unity, 2013. This photo represents unity because all the bleachers equal a whole. I applied black and white to this photo.
Movement, 2013. This photo represents movement because he is swinging on the bleachers. In photoshop i applied exposure to this image.
Pattern, 2013. This photo represents pattern because the pattern of the fence is equally repeated along the entire field. I applied exposure in this photo.
Artist choice, 2013. This artist choice photo represents line, color, movement, and pattern. It represents line because of the lines on the road and the electric cables above the road. It also represents color because of the colorful trees up on the hill. This photo represents movement too because of the winding road that makes the picture look like it's flowing. It also represents pattern because of the repeating pattern on the crosswalk and the lines on the road. I applied vibrance to this image.
Artist choice, 2013. This photo represents balance, pattern, line, color. It represents balance because the way the the school is placed behind the shed creates and equal weight between the two buildings. It also represents pattern because of the shingles on the roof of the shed. The cables in the sky represent line and the rich color of blue on the shed represents color. I applied exposure to this image.
Principles of Design


Joe Rossi
Student Jackson, NJ